GRÆBLE (gray bull)
Genre: Dark Pop artist
Hometown: Albuquerque, NM. & Jacksonville, FL.


Full steam ahead and never giving up, GRÆBLE is back in the studio! Working on a new album packed with ethereal vocals, dreamy strings and heart pumping bass.

Growing Up:

Græble was born January 20th in Santa Fe, NM, soon thereafter her parents moved the family to Edgewood, NM. This is where Græble spent her formative years, filled with sand, lighting storms, native toads, coyotes and horses.

Græble and her family relocated to sunny SW Florida. This was an adventure, and they drove the entire way in one small truck. Once they arrived and got settled, Græble began to focus on her music. She started singing often, writing poetry and lyrics, and learning to play the piano and guitar.

Tragedy Strikes:

Græble’s parents had decided to get divorced, which was difficult for her and her family. Almost immediately after, her sister passed away. This was followed by the sudden passing of her father. These events took a huge toll on Græble, but she wanted to remain strong for her mother. She began to isolate herself more and more, spending almost all of her time writing, reading and drawing.

“I love people, I’m just not very good at being normal around people, I get very anxious and uncertain of how others may act towards me.” -GRÆBLE

Finding her purpose:

After the loss, Græble found herself making home music videos on her backyard, and trying to find a purpose. After years of aimless traveling she finally landed her first local performance in Albuquerque, NM. Throughout the next few years Græble was performing locally, learning music production, working with some great artists and engineers, and now GRÆBLE has released two solo albums!


Her debut album #ITHINKIMFINE was released in Sept, of 2021, and was recorded and produced in a 2002 VW Beetle. Just eight months later, GRÆBLE released her latest album | Acoustic Audibles | in August of 2022!


She starts to feel her body itch and her hands start to flicker
she realizes that something is wrong.

At first, she thinks that her eyesight may be damaged or that her brain is malfunctioning, but after further inspection, she sees that her hands are filled with wires. “Am I artificial?” she whispers…